Q: How big should my SUP be?
A: Shortboards under 275 cm in length are better for quick turns than longer boards. They are mainly used for a mix of SUP and surfing (so-called Wave SUPs). Also for kids, the short boards are less than 275cm (9'6 = 9ft. 6in).
Medium-sized boards ranging from 275 cm to 365 cm are the most popular. They are the allrounders. Boards in this area can handle silent lakes, rivers and smaller waves.
Longboards over 380 cm (12'6) are typically used for touring or racing. With them, high speeds can be achieved, but there are losses in maneuverability and stability.
Q: What is the best board for me?
A: Ultimately, the purchase decision depends on what you need the board for, what level you have, and how heavy you are.
Finally, we recommend everyone to test his board first. On our storefinder, you can find our partners near you and find out if you can test our boards there.
Q: How long does it take to pump up my Inflatable SUP?
A: To inflate an Inflatable SUP with a double action pump, depending on your physical condition, you have to reckon 8-10 minutes.
Q: Could it be that the pressure display on my pump is broken?
A: If you look at the manometer, you will notice that the display only starts at 7 PSI. Accordingly, the board needs a certain basic volume of air until the pump can indicate pressure. This happens after about 100-120 pump surges. So if you have pumped for a minute or two, you do not have to worry. The board should take about 160-180 thrusts to reach 15 PSI (number may vary).
Q: How do I properly set my two- or three-piece paddle?
A: You can set the paddle correctly in different ways. One possibility is your body size plus adding 10-15%. For example. a man of 180cm has a paddle length just under 200cm. Otherwise, you can also make the Hang-Loose sign and hold it on your head and adjust the paddle properly. You should be able to stretch your arm slightly but still be able to lay it lightly on the handle of the paddle.
Q: What security measures can I take?
A: We at Apatcha definitely recommend the use of a leash to be connected to the board even in wavy and windy conditions. Of course, a buoyancy aid in the form of a restube buoy or a life jacket is a great advantage. Outside of 300 meters shore zone, the carrying of a life jacket is even mandatory.
You should pay attention to the weather forecast before long excursions, do not forget to bring drinking water and sun protection.
Q: Can I leave my board inflated?
A: Absolutely, we keep our exhibits and demo boards pumped up for several months and they never seem to lose air. If you leave the board in direct sunlight for an extended period of time, it is recommended that you deflate your board a little to avoid overstretching as this is not covered by the warranty.
Q: How do I fold my inflatable properly?
A: It is important to make sure that the finbox is not damaged. For this, it should not be folded by force or too much pressure, otherwise, it could be damaged. We recommend folding the board from the top, so all the air is pushed out. Folded right, the last piece with the finbox fits nicely on the rest of the board and can easily be stowed in the bag.
Q: How can I make sure my Inflatable SUP lasts as long as possible?
A: The most important thing is not to permanently expose the SUP to direct sunlight. So if you do not use the SUP, you should try to overshadow it or at least turn it sideways (the bright surface upwards). It is also beneficial to let off some air. This prevents a strong expansion of air in the board and possible damage.
If you do not need the board for a long time, make sure the board is well dried before rolling it up.
Q: Do I have to specially treat my board before stowing it in the basement over the winter?
A: To keep the board clean and supple, we recommend only water and neutral soap. Too aggressive cleaning agents can attack the PVC and damage it permanently.
Of course, a dry and not too cold storage space is an advantage. The most important thing is to make sure that the board is nice and dry before it is stored. Especially the part around the handle can start to mold in case of bad treatment.
In addition, the board should not be rolled too tight when it is wintered, this to keep the PVC flexible. Special care creams like some SUP stores offer are not necessary, but can, of course, be applied.
Q: My board suddenly shows strange bubbles, is it broken?
A: No. The bubbles are mainly due to the fact that the board has overheated. Then it may happen that the glue contained therein, volatilizes and forms small bubbles on the surface. However, these are purely visual in nature and should normally have no effect on the driving and seaworthiness of the board. It is therefore important to point out again that the board should not be placed in the blazing sun. If the bubbles are very disturbing, they can be punctured and the hole be covered with a PVC patch.
Q: The top part of the paddle always slips back into the pipe, what to do?
A: You can tighten the two screws on the buckle of the paddle. Just close the paddle buckle and tighten it with a screwdriver. Make sure that the buckle is closed before handling with the screwdriver, otherwise, the buckle may break when closed.
Q: What if my board loses air?
A: First, you have to find the spot where the board could lose air. Recognizable, for example, from escaping air bubbles when the board is under water. If the hole is located on an open surface on the top or bottom side, the problem can be fixed easily. First, completely deflate the board, then trim one of the PVC patches. Apply the patch with the included glue, press down and let dry well. Then inflate the board again and continue to paddle.
However, if the hole appears on the rails (on the sides) or under the pad, it is a warranty case.
Q: Where can I bring my board in case of a necessary repair?
A: We definitely recommend a visit our partners from the SUP Clinic. They are also our first choice for broken finboxes or holes underneath the pad, etc.
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