Name: Sam
Surname: Garthwaite
Nickname: Frothy
Homebase: Gateway to the Highlands
City: Perth
Country: Scotland
Your favorite quote:“F*** It”. Not to be rude, but I'm an honest person, and I say this daily. Similar to saying ”Send it” except it’s a bit more diverse.
What do you use our boards for:I’m A White Water SUP man, through and through. Although, in saying that, I cannot resist River Surfing! I use the board for gerneral water exploration as well, also, because the river SUPs are nice and wide, I'm looking forward to getting my kids on the board...get them trained up early doors!
Where’s your favourite spot(s):I wouldn’t say I have a favourite spot so far. If I can find somewhere that has a sick waterfall or drop or chute...i’m sold. I love finding new challenges with the different kinds of features I can find on the river.
Your craziest, best, funniest, or most adventurous ride ever:Funniest ride ever was a 70km paddle on a section of the biggest river in Scotland. The ride itself was amazing, we paddled some really great white water and paddled some really scenic relaxed sections, and we even stopped at a riverside bar for some beers as well. Funny part was that we misjudged our timings (or maybe stayed in the bar for longer than we planned) and had to do the last 15km in the dark! Very memorable and a good laugh though!
Other hobbies than riding a board on liquid water:I’m just a huge fan of enjoying the outdoors, so I kind of dip my toes into everything. Although moreso than the rest I’d say cliffdiving, road cycling, and hiking. Plenty of places in Scotland to do each of those...too many places for one lifetime!
Your goal this year:My goal this year is to really start to build my presence in the white water world. Ive paddled under the radar for a few years but from October last year when I got my first Indiana SUP, I started to really push things. I’d like to get my name out there and gain some respect in the WWSUP community.
Tell us about a personal achievement:: I’d have to say, becoming an ambassador for Indiana! Gaining sponsorship/ambassadorship was a long term goal that has become a reality! Nobody will be able to remove my smile anytime soon!
Anything you want to let us and/or the world know:: White Water SUP is considered “Niche” but I’m keen to be at the forefront as it becomes bigger and bigger!