Name: Nicolas
Surname: Iten
Nickname: Nico
Homebase: Sursee, Aare River (Aarburg), Lucerne
City: Reidermos
Country: Switzerland
What do you use our boards for: I use my skinny hydroskate board for endurance pumpfoiling runs over flat lakes or calm rivers.
Where’s your favourite spot(s): Lucerne, with its spectacular view to the city and the Alps. But also the lake Sempach (Sursee) and the Aare river near Olten that I can get to with my bicycle and the pumpfoil stuff in my backpack.
Your craziest, best, funniest, or most adventurous ride ever: Recently I tried to go for a long run on the lake Sursee. I checked the wind and started pumping. Unfortunately the wind increased step by step and I had to stop at the opposite of the lake. So I decided to run back to the startpoint for 7 Kilometer with my pumpfoil. Now my shoulders are more painresistent.
Other hobbies than riding a board on liquid water: My background is Inline-Speedskating but I also love most outdoor endurance sport activities and skateboarding on the pump track, which I started last year. Beside sports, I like to work at my house and in the garden and to spend time with my two boys and my wonderful wife.
Your goal this year: To go around the lake Sempach nonstop. But also to teach dockstart pumpfoiling to my son.
Your favorite quote: No pain no gain.
Anything you want to let us and/or the world know: Go out, move your body, have fun and stay healthy.