Name: Linus
Surname: Rutishauser
Nickname: Lini
Homebase: Erlenbach
City: Zurich
Country: Switzerland
What do you use our Boards for: Pumpfoiling
Where’s our favourite spot(s): Silvaplana (Campingdock) and Zurich Tiefenbrunnen (Badi)
Your craziest, best, funniest, or most adventurous ride ever: Pumpfoiling during a snow/rainstorm and catching the ferry waves with my friends
Other hobbies than riding a board on liquid water: Skiing, Snowboarding, Soccer, Tennis, Skateboarding, Skydiving
Your goal this year: To cross lake Zurich and to be able to pump on after the backloop
Your favorite quote: "There are a million ways to surf, and as long as you're smiling, you're doing it right" - Jamie O'Brian
Anything you want to let us and/or the world know: Stay hydrated and have fun! Hang loose!